Our community organization, Real F.A.T.H.E.R.S. Inc., was born out of the remarkable story of one Memphis father, Miran, who found himself raising his two daughters alone after the tragic loss of their mother. Miran had to step into roles traditionally filled by both parents, teaching his daughters how to cook, clean, do their hair, and even how to sit with their legs crossed—tasks often seen as a mother’s domain. Through positivity and perseverance, Miran’s daughters thrived, achieving prosperous lives despite the odds stacked against them.

The Birth of Real F.A.T.H.E.R.S. Inc.

Witnessing the lack of support for Miran and his children, our community saw the urgent need for an organization dedicated to assisting single fathers. This led to the creation of Real F.A.T.H.E.R.S. Inc., a support network for dads of all nationalities across the United States. Our mission is to empower single fathers by providing them with the resources, guidance, and community support they need to raise their children successfully.

Miran’s Journey: Challenges of a Single Father

As a single father, Miran faced numerous challenges that required strength, resilience, and adaptability. Here are some of the general challenges he encountered:

  1. Role Adaptation: Miran had to quickly adapt to performing tasks that are typically shared between two parents. From cooking nutritious meals to ensuring the household was clean and orderly, Miran took on these responsibilities while maintaining his role as a provider.
  2. Emotional Support: Providing emotional support to his daughters was crucial. Miran had to be both a comforting presence and a disciplinarian, helping his daughters navigate their grief while fostering a positive and supportive home environment.
  3. Time Management: Balancing work and parenting duties alone required exceptional time management skills. Miran had to ensure that his daughters’ needs were met, from school drop-offs and pick-ups to attending school events, while also fulfilling his professional responsibilities.
  4. Financial Pressure: Being the sole breadwinner added financial pressure. Miran needed to manage household expenses, plan for his daughters’ education, and handle unexpected costs, all while ensuring that his family’s basic needs were met.
  5. Social Stigma: Single fathers often face societal stereotypes and stigmas. Miran had to deal with assumptions about his ability to care for his daughters and overcome any biases that questioned his parenting capabilities.
  6. Limited Support Networks: With fewer support networks available for single fathers compared to single mothers, Miran had to seek out resources and build his own community of support, which often meant relying on extended family, friends, and organizations like Real F.A.T.H.E.R.S. Inc.

Real F.A.T.H.E.R.S. Inc.: A Beacon of Support

Real F.A.T.H.E.R.S. Inc. was established to provide single fathers with the support they need to overcome these challenges. Here’s how we assist:

  1. Counseling Services: Professional counseling to help fathers manage stress, cope with loss, and navigate the complexities of single parenting.
  2. After-School Care: Reliable after-school programs that provide a safe and enriching environment for children while fathers work.
  3. Mentoring: Connect with experienced mentors who offer guidance and support in parenting and personal growth.
  4. Men’s Groups: Join groups where fathers can share experiences, gain insights, and find camaraderie with other single dads.
  5. Workshops and Resources: Access to workshops on practical parenting skills, financial planning, and emotional well-being.


The story of Miran and his daughters is a testament to the strength and resilience of single fathers everywhere. By stepping into dual roles and meeting the demands of single parenting with determination and love, Miran exemplifies the potential of single fathers to raise thriving, successful children. Real F.A.T.H.E.R.S. Inc. is here to ensure that every single father has the support and resources necessary to navigate the journey of parenthood confidently. Together, we can empower single fathers to build strong, prosperous futures for themselves and their children.
